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10 Subconscience – memory's own life

The automaton's memory is the union of various neuronal ensembles. The main volume of memory is occupied by EW's and by ensembles-phrases, which correspond both to the objects and situations in the outer world, and to the concrete and abstract notions about the properties of the world. The main property of the automaton, leading to the intellectuality, is the limitation of memory capacity. The outer world is infinitely diverse in its details, therefore the automaton is unable to remember all details and correct reactions to them. Consequently, the automaton must switch from the remembering of concrete situations to the discovering and remembering of regularities, and then to the generalized ideas and abstractions. The generalization problem in the neuroenergetic concept is solved as a problem of minimization of the number of ensembles by the following logic:

1. The conductivities of excitatory links in the absence of generation gradually decrease. Consequently, the condition for existence of ensembles is their periodic activity, preventing the conductivities from decrease below some least ones. Minimal value of conductivity should allow the ensemble to bootstrap by LF-generation of small part of its neurons, i.e., to realize the event RiÞSi. There is a certain time interval T, during which the conductivities decrease from normal values to the minimal ones in the marked sense. Thus, to exist, each ensemble must work at least once within the interval T. Total memory capacity (the automaton's vocabulary) is divided into two parts: active and passive. Active vocabulary EW's work more often, than with the frequency 1/T. At the same time, passive vocabulary EW's in the given period of the automaton's life do not get in the groups {Si} at the moment t2 and do not recover their internal links. Therefore, the automaton has a problem of passive vocabulary saving.

2. Excitability of the ensemble, i.e., probability of the event RiÞSi, depends on many factors, and on the age q of the ensemble's neurons. The increase of q for the passive vocabulary EW's may be the cause of their activity and recovery of links, if their neurons will not generate spikes due to some other reasons. As it was marked, the automaton has two main modes – sleep and awaking. During the awaking phase there is no significant decrease of q for the passive vocabulary EW's, because they are permanently blocked by the functioning of active vocabulary EW's. In the sleep phase the passive vocabulary EW's neurons (at least, their HF-generations) are blocked by activity of MAG's. The cause of this is that neurons, not participating in associative memory, compose the greater part of neural network, and therefore they form a lot of inhibitory links to the neurons of memory ensembles.

3. The automaton must have a special state, providing regeneration of the passive vocabulary, i.e., neither sleep nor awaking. Neurons in this special state should be excited mainly owing to the great q values. This third state (subconscience) in the automaton is provided by separation of the initial neural network onto the weakly interconnected parts – "semi-nets", so that one semi-net can awake while another still sleeps. Subconscience appears in the awaked semi-net – this is a memory's "own life" mode, i.e., the mode of autonomous living, without modulating influences from EC and without excitation U from receptor systems. EC, motor and receptor systems in this state are blocked by strong rhythmic generation, produced by MAG's queue of sleeping semi-net. Subconscience occupies a small time and may be compared to the state of fast (paradoxical) human sleep. The queue of passive vocabulary EW's for recovering moves just in the state of subconscience. During one period of subconscience only small part of the queue has time to work. The whole queue must have acted for time, less than T. It is this requirement that restricts the automaton's memory capacity.

4. Recovering of EW's in subconscience takes place at HF-generations, that is possible only at strong associative aid from many EW's. Memory's own life is the formation and struggle of various groups of ensembles, the search for the allies and the supplanting of opponents, which are outlined by the automaton's experience, reflected in the mosaic of associative links. As a result of active memory's own life, new associative links and new ensembles are formed in the subconscience. This is the real introduction into the intelligence. The appearance of new associative links and new ensembles is the alteration of a world model, appearing because of accumulated experience processing, not as a result of direct experience. Physiological optimization of relations in memory during the subconscience state tends to transform into the logical optimization of knowledge structures, leading to their generalization. When the automaton will awake, it will search in the external environment for the confirmation of its new ideas, and either will confirm and fix them, or will reject them. New ideas, appearing "from within", are the intuitive ideas, and the mechanism of formationof the corresponding memory structures is the intuition mechanism.

5. Priorities of ensembles in the subconscience are defined not only by the age queue, but also by dominants, i.e., by active vocabulary EW's, corresponding to hard tasks, which weren't solved by the automaton in the nearest past. This means, that these dominants with a great probability will be centers of mutual aid unions in the subconscience state, and in subconscience the automaton will continue to solve its problems. In the state of subconscience the influences from environment don't disturb the automaton, and at the same time the very distant and indirect analogies from various areas of experience are accessible for the automaton.

6. In subconscience the automaton looks for the new, more simple and general solutions of various external problems and, if it finds such solutions, it forms new memory structures for them. Activity of new structures blocks the activity of old ones for the same problem, both in awaking and in subconscience. A new structure does not permit to renew for an old one, and supplants it from memory, releasing space for the next knowledge. This is the mechanism of solution of the automaton's memory minimization problem.





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