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8 Decision making

The activation excitation U is formed mainly by the receptor systems, when the automaton sees or hears the situation just expected. Sometimes it is enough simply to wait the expected situation (e.g., at the sonic perception of known texts). Nevertheless in other cases the expected situation must be found in the environment or must be made by means of some actions. Actions may be the responsible or irresponsible ones. Irresponsible actions do not vary the external environment. The main irresponsible actions are: (1) to look at anywhere of the visual scene for the search of the object needed, and (2) to speak without voice. The responsible actions are irreversible or involve a penalty for wrong action. The decision making mechanism diminishes the probability of wrong responsible actions. To make a responsible action, the automaton should overcome a certain action threshold: the confidence of success should overcome the level of caution. An action takes place when the corresponding motor element of memory, i.e., a special ensemble "action", starts. The motor elements for irresponsible action can work at small emotional (and, respectively, motor) tones. For the responsible actions one needs a high tone, which is created when qc does not retreat before the neuronal batch, but stays motionless or even moves towards the batch. While the ensemble "action" is not turned on, qc retreats, restraining the growth of tone, otherwise qc does not retreat, and tone grows. The turning on of the ensemble "action" means that automaton has made a decision. The ensemble "action" is controlled by two special memory ensembles: "necessarily" and "carefully". Its main source of excitation is formed from the evaluation of the paragraph, from the growth rate of "well", that is dQ(t)/dt. This rate reflects a degree of confidence that solution found is right or, at least, the best from possible. The value of excitation for the ensemble "action" should exceed the value of inhibition from the ensemble "carefully". To the excitation due to action of dQ(t)/dt the excitation from the ensemble "necessarily" is added, that hastens the automaton, compels it to make action quicker. Great values of excitation from the ensemble "necessarily" reduce the demands to the decision quality: the satisfactory one becomes sufficient instead of the best one.

A paragraph is characterized by its dQ(t)/dt value, which depends on the composition of HE's {Si} at the moment t3. This composition actually represents the outlining variant of decision and the degree of its conformity to the current conditions of the external environment. An action is preceded by many paragraphs-variants, which are being compared by their dQ(t)/dt values. Consecutive paragraphs have a succession in their {Si} at the moment t2, therefore they should provide a convergence to the good paragraphs. This means, that physiological process of emotional optimization should prove to be a process of heuristic selection of behavior variants in the terms of external environment description language. This process of heuristic selection tends to converge to the best (at the given conditions) variants. Succession and convergence are provided by several properties:

1. EW, was acting in the HF-generation mode, initially goes out of game due to the rise of its neurons' Ps, but then, in some paragraphs, it increases its excitability because of negative values of Ps owing to the postanodal exaltation. Hence, this EW will come into the group {Si} at the moment t2 in a succeeding paragraph.

2. In the EW's, which worked in the LF-generation mode and couldn't overcome the refractoriness threshold, the conductivities of internal links will increase, that will increase these EW's excitabilities in the next paragraphs.

3. Non-working EW's, which have received great excitatory potentials due to associative links from active EW's, have a good chance to join to the next paragraph group {Si} at the moment t2.

4. Non-working EW's, which have received a sufficient excitation from the receptor systems during the active phase of the paragraph (seen, heard), also will have chance in the next paragraph.

5. The final formation of a desire takes place at the interval [t2,t3]. The possibility for various EW's to come into the group {Si} at the moment t2 due to enumerated properties is great enough. But, as far as the size of {Si} at the moment t3 is much less than the size of {Si} at the moment t2, EW's have a few chances to come into the wish. At the interval [t2,t3] a hard struggle takes place between EW's, which results in the victory of the EW's group, having the greatest mutual aid due to associative links. This conflict is hidden from conscience, however it is the main kitchen of the automaton's brain.



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