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7 Dynamics of EC and memory relations

The EC and the memory interact so that together they form an oscillating system. The EC modulates the activity of memory by its own self-feeling field, whose tension Q reflects the feed deficit and influences strongly on the events of formation and extinguishing of HE's. In the state "well" (great positive Q) the probability of events RiÞSi grows, and in the state "badly" (great negative Q) the probability of events SiÞAiÞRi grows. This is provided by supposing the dynamic threshold Pd dependent on Q:

Pd(t,Q)=Pd(t)× e (Q) ,

where e (Q)>0 is a monotonically increasing function. Dependence of Pd on Q is such that in the state "well" the spontaneous excitability of ensembles is increased due to the decrease of the exaltation threshold, and simultaneously the refractoriness threshold grows. In the state "badly" the process develops in the opposite direction. This is the basis for mechanism of memory activity modulation by EC self-feeling. On the other hand, the state of the memory (i.e., the level of "badly" for memory, defined by the number n- of HE's) influences the value of EC neurons' qc. This influence is such, that the greater is n-, the smaller is qc and, therefore, the energy consumption and deficit become greater and the self-feeling becomes worse.

Such interrelations between EC and memory promote the setting of oscillatory process: state "well" in EC creates state "badly" in memory, state "badly" in memory creates state "badly" in EC, state "badly" in EC activates the automaton's work (perception, behavior, recollections); all this is directed to the extinguishing of HE's, i.e., to making of state "well" in memory. State "well" in memory makes state "well" in EC: the cycle is completed and the basis for the next cycle is formed. The automaton in the awaking state works in the mode of such cycles-paragraphs, i.e., periods with certain emotional and logical completeness. The scheme of a paragraph is shown in fig.5.

image5.gif (5836 bytes)

Any paragraph consists of three phases: (1) formation of the internal problem (operative aim, the desire) as a group of HE's; (2) solution of this problem – extinguishing of HE's by means of HF-generations, and (3) evaluation of the problem – definition of the success of its solution and correction for the future toward the feasibility of wishes.

The first phase starts from the instant t0, when Q becomes positive. At the instant t1 the first HE is being formed (in the general case HE's may remain from the preceding paragraph). At the interval [t1,t2] the probability of formation of new HE's due to the growth of Q is greater than the possibility of extinguishing by the events SiÞRi, which increases with the growth of n- and with the decrease of Q. At the interval [t2,t3] the number of HE's, newly being formed, is less than being turned off ones. After the instant t3 the events Si ÞRi become troubled, and the events SiÞAi ÞRi, needing the activation excitation U, become the main mean of extinguishing of HE's. The wish gets up at the moment t3 and is specified by the composition of HE's group {Si}. The size of HE's group at the instant t2 (maximal size) is much greater than at the instant t3, when the composition of group is relatively stable. At the interval [t2,t3] the keen conflict of ensembles takes place for the right to remain in a final group, i.e., to form the wish. To win in this struggle with a great probability, ensembles must have a good mutual aid owing to the associative links and increased excitability. Such ensembles one could denote as dominants.

The second phase of the paragraph, the active phase, is the interval [t3,t4], at which the events SiÞAiÞRi take place, and also some new Si's appear due to the intensive activity of the associative search. Values of n- and Q vary insignificantly, because, on the one hand, the new neurons come into the critical region, but on the other hand, owing to the accords approximately the same number of neurons decrease q. Just during the second phase of the paragraph the needed portion of noisy flow is formed. The meaning of this phase in the energetic sense is the creation of conditions for HF-generation. The possibility of HF-generation is defined by two factors: (1) decrease of refractoriness threshold due to the dependence of Pd on Q, and (2) the appearing of the activation excitation U. The presence of these factors is one of the premises for the development of intelligence, because the latter factor connects the possibility of automaton's energetic problem solution with the knowledge of external environment, that is, with the necessity of the adequacy of the outer world and its internal model in the automaton. One should specify the characteristics of phoneme neurons from the necessity of approximately equal participation of both factors in the overcoming of the refractoriness threshold.

The third phase of the paragraph is its evaluation: physiological, emotional, subjective, but reflecting in the whole an objective evaluation of the automaton's knowledge about environment. Fig.5 shows the good paragraph (solid line) and bad one (dashed line). For the good paragraph at the instant t4 an explosion of activity takes place, i.e., the simultaneous HF-generation of many ensembles, belonging the group {Si} at the moment t3. This explosion takes place owing to the associative mutual aid of these ensembles, and is followed by the simultaneous extinguishing (SiÞAiÞRi). As a result, EC receives the strong accord, removing all the neurons from the critical (and even from precritical) region. Energy consumption of EC significantly decreases, the feed becomes excessive, Q(t) sharply grows – this is an encouragement for the successful solution of the current problem. For the bad paragraph the explosion of activity does not take place either due to the weak associations or due to the insufficient U value. As a result, the states Si are being prolonged, energetic reserves of memory's neurons are being exhausted so that the states Ai become impossible, there is no accord, the emotional state is deteriorating, and at the instant t¢ 4 the HE's are extinguished by transitions SiÞRi. Neurons in the age distribution of EC stay in the critical region and continue to move further – this is a penalty for the failure. At the state "very badly" some "fits" are possible, when the mechanism of movement of qc to the left is being turned on. Then the state "badly" is being rapidly strengthened, motor tone sharply grows and some phonemes begin to work. This means that an accord is being formed (but already not due to the group {Si} at the moment t3), EC neurons are being removed from the critical region and the facilitation falls.




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