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5 Active memory

It is well known, that neural networks can realize an associative memory function. In the neuroenergetic concept a dynamic associative memory self-organizes as hierarchical structure of neuronal ensembles of various modalities. The neuronal ensemble is a group of neurons, interlinked by strong excitatory links and having no inhibitory links inside, i.e., the ensemble is a MAG with good conditions for the mutual stimulation of spikes. The first level ensembles (phoneme ensembles, PE's) correspond to the elements of alphabets, down to which external situations of various modalities are being taken apart by automaton's input devices. PE's are an immediate source of noisy excitation for the whole neural network. Self-organization of hierarchical associative memory is described in [3] and runs by the following scheme:

1. The neural network in awaking regime needs an optimal noisy excitation flow. PE, when generating, forms one portion of noisy flow. For the optimality of noisy flow the continuity of such portions is necessary.

2. PE's of the same modality prevent each other to work due to existence of inhibitory links between them. PE, which just has worked, creates in all others PE's the locked neurons – stoppers. Owing to the stoppers, PE that receives excitation from the receptor system, can generate only at LF. To make pauses between HF-generations of PE's small enough, it is necessary to compensate inhibitory potentials on the stoppers by means of sending them additional excitatory potentials.

3. The main volume of the learned automaton's memory consists of ensembles-words (EW's), correlated with objects and situations in the outer world. EW's are being formed when the phoneme chains of various modalities work due to objects and situations. Links between EW and PE's are shown in fig.3.

image3.gif (5046 bytes)

The main point in such a scheme is an existence of compensating excitatory links from EW to neurons-stoppers in PE's: by the moment of excitatory signal arrival at the PE from receptor devices the compensating potentials on stoppers must already take place. This statement is in fact the statement of foresight: the automaton guesses external influences, which are to come in the future; EW, corresponding to the object, begins to work earlier, than the full influence from the object will come. In other words, EW is started mainly by means of associative links from other ensembles, which just have been worked: to provide the optimal noisy flow, the automaton should work, as a rule, in the "confirmation of expectation" mode, otherwise it will quickly fall asleep.

4. EW is an element, having two active states. The first state (semi-active, S) is the LF-generation in the exaltation phase. The state S is easily achievable, stable and very unprofitable: the reserves H are being exhausted rapidly. We'll call the EW in the state S as the hotbed of excitation (HE). The second state (active, A) is the HF-generation in the refractoriness phase. The state A is a transitory one: due to the fast growth of Ps the self-locking takes place, i.e., the transition to the rest state R (AÞR). Active state A is energetically profitable because of the rapid decrease of q. When i-th EW is in the state A (let us denote this as Ai), the PE's of i-th word are being started. This creates a good portion of noisy flow, and in the automaton's memory the i-th object image is being activated.

5. The function of memory is necessary for memory itself: when solving the problem of decreasing of q for memory ensembles, the problem of optimal noisy flow formation is being solved, and the problem of autonomous behavior appears as a necessity to find or to construct some external situation, providing the activation excitation U for Si by the scheme:

Si+U Þ Ai Þ Ri.

Thus, the internal automaton's problem to minimize energy consumption transforms into the problem to extinguish the hotbeds of excitation in memory.

6. The group of HE's {Si} in memory is an internal situation in memory, which represents a concretization of the automaton's wish and compels the automaton to create an external situation, corresponding to the internal one, i.e., "extinguishing" it. The process of formation of HE's is the probabilistic event of transition Ri ÞSi, which depends on excitabilities of EWi. Excitability of EWi can be increased by means of the increase of internal EWi links' conductivities. Such ensembles with increased excitability will be called the dominants. When EWi achieves the state Ai, the conductivities of internal links decrease and EWi ceases to be the dominant. The dominant can be formed from any EWi, if it stays in the state Si for a long time, that corresponds to the statement regarding the object i: "underheared", "underlooked", "not understood". The problem of the automaton's behavior in the external environment is a reflection of its internal problem to liquidate the dominants in memory.



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